Anders Torvill Bjorvand

Husband, Father, Entrepreneur,
Investor, Author and Speaker

Anders Torvill Bjorvand

My Twofold Life Mission

I will teach the Bible to children (Proverbs 22:6) through sunday school, songwriting and by writing childrens books.
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I will foster and enable a new generation of redemptive business leaders & entrepreneurs by leading by example, teaching, mentoring, writing and investing.


You may contact me one of the following ways:
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Recent publications

Hvordan unngå at din Ferrari blir til en rustholk - eller: Hvordan beregne livsløpskostnaden for CRM-løsninger i frivilligheten
Hvordan unngå at din Ferrari blir til en rustholk - eller: Hvordan beregne livsløpskostnaden for CRM-løsninger i frivilligheten
Guds Fjell
Guds Fjell
The God-Shaped Workplace
Повчальна історія спасіння Ганса – читати для натхнення у важкі часи пандемії, війни з росією та гіперінфляції
The Redemptive Story of Hans – from a Time of Pandemics, War with Russia, and Hyper Inflation
Inviting His Presence in the Workplace: a Case for Corporate Prayer Rooms
Økonomi og næringsliv - bokkapittel i Samfunnsbyggere
Økonomi og næringsliv - bokkapittel i Samfunnsbyggere
Redeeming the Cyborgs: Transhumanism meets Sanctification
Bygge Guds Rike
Bygge Guds Rike
The birth of a songwriter ...
The birth of a songwriter ...
If you want to learn how I, at the age of 32 became a songwriter by the grace of God, please read on. If you want to listen to my first song, it is also available...
JO! SMS Bibl
JO! SMS Bibl
Thy Kingdom .com
Thy Kingdom .com
This Norwegian language book was my second, and many ways a continuation of the previous on. It was published in conjunction with the 2nd GospelSearch conference that my...
Menigheten på Internett
Menigheten på Internett
This Norwegian language book was my first ever. It was published in conjunction with the GospelSearch conference that my company put on in Oslo in the autumn of 2000. I...
Robust Schema Evolution Strategies
Robust Schema Evolution Strategies
This poster paper adresses some issues of dealing with evolution in schemas - in particular, the constructive schema approach is introduced.
Object Mining: A Practical Application of Data Mining for the Construction and Maintenance of Software Components
Object Mining: A Practical Application of Data Mining for the Construction and Maintenance of Software Components
This paper adresses the issue of automatic construction and maintenance of software components by utilizing data mining techniques. Some methods are shown, and more specifically,...
Synthesis of Objects: A Rough Sets Approach to Automatic Construction and Maintenance of Software Components
Synthesis of Objects: A Rough Sets Approach to Automatic Construction and Maintenance of Software Components
This paper adresses the issue of automatic construction and maintenance of software components by utilizing data mining techniques. Some methods are shown, and more specifically,...
'Rough Enough' - Software Demonstration
'Rough Enough' - Software Demonstration
This article presents the data mining software system ’Rough Enough’. The system supports the process of data mining within the theoretical framework of rough sets. The presentation...
Practical Applications of Genetic Algorithms for Efficient Reduct Computation
Practical Applications of Genetic Algorithms for Efficient Reduct Computation
Large collections of data may contain valuable but undiscovered knowledge. The process of making such knowledge explicit is called knowledge discovery. The rough set theory,...
'Rough Enough' - A System Supporting the Rough Sets Approach
'Rough Enough' - A System Supporting the Rough Sets Approach
The rough sets theory has proved useful for a wide variety of data mining tasks. A system, called 'Rough Enough', has been developed to support the basic operations of...
Mining Time Series Using Rough Sets - A Case Study
Mining Time Series Using Rough Sets - A Case Study
This article attempts to deal with the problem of time within the framework of rough sets. The rough set theory has emphasized the reduction of information necessary to...
Datasikkerhet: Det handler om holdninger
Time Series and Rough Sets
Time Series and Rough Sets
This thesis attempts to deal with the problem of time within the framework of rough sets. The rough set theory has emphasized the reduction of information necessary to acquire...
Kirkefaglig nett
Kirkefaglig nett
Fractal logic - a new approach to intelligent systems theory
Fractal logic - a new approach to intelligent systems theory
This paper introduces the term Fractal Logic and discusses in what ways the ideas subsumed under this heading may offer a new approach to intelligent systems theory. The...
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