Anders Torvill Bjorvand

Husband, Father, Entrepreneur,
Investor, Author and Speaker

Anders Torvill Bjorvand

My Twofold Life Mission

I will teach the Bible to children (Proverbs 22:6) through Sunday school, songwriting and by writing children´s books.
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I will foster and enable a new generation of redemptive business leaders & entrepreneurs by leading by example, teaching, mentoring, writing and investing.
My worklife consists of being the CEO of Kommunion AS and the Chairman of Kingdom Holding AS


You may contact me one of the following ways:
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Recent publications

Principles for an investible business
Principles for an investible business
Principles for an investible business
Hvordan unngå at din Ferrari blir til en rustholk - eller: Hvordan beregne livsløpskostnaden for CRM-løsninger i frivilligheten
Hvordan unngå at din Ferrari blir til en rustholk - eller: Hvordan beregne livsløpskostnaden for CRM-løsninger i frivilligheten
This article helps professional fundraisers or non-profit administrators understand the total cost of ownership of integrating CRM systems into their organizations. Misconceptions...
Guds Fjell
Guds Fjell
Children´s book published in 2024, that tells the redemptive story of the people of Israel from the exodus from Egypt all the way to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The...
The God-Shaped Workplace
The God-Shaped Workplace
The God-Shaped Workplace
This article deals with the workplace and its significance in a Christian worldview. Practical aspects regarding community, remote work and even the physical design of a good workplace are covered.
Повчальна історія спасіння Ганса – читати для натхнення у важкі часи пандемії, війни з росією та гіперінфляції
Повчальна історія спасіння Ганса – читати для натхнення у важкі часи пандемії, війни з росією та гіперінфляції
Повчальна історія спасіння Ганса – читати для натхнення у важкі часи пандемії, війни з росією та гіперінфляції
The Redemptive Story of Hans – from a Time of Pandemics, War with Russia, and Hyper Inflation
The Redemptive Story of Hans – from a Time of Pandemics, War with Russia, and Hyper Inflation
The Redemptive Story of Hans – from a Time of Pandemics, War with Russia, and Hyper Inflation
Inviting His Presence in the Workplace: a Case for Corporate Prayer Rooms
Inviting His Presence in the Workplace: a Case for Corporate Prayer Rooms
Inviting His Presence in the Workplace: a Case for Corporate Prayer Rooms
Økonomi og næringsliv - bokkapittel i Samfunnsbyggere
Økonomi og næringsliv - bokkapittel i Samfunnsbyggere
The book "Samfunnsbyggere - Kirken ut av isolasjon" came in 2019, and I wrote the chapter titled "økonomi og næringsliv".
Redeeming the Cyborgs: Transhumanism meets Sanctification
Redeeming the Cyborgs: Transhumanism meets Sanctification
Redeeming the Cyborgs: Transhumanism meets Sanctification
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