My teachings>Business and Leadership snippets
Crossing the river ...
Working with communications, you often find yourself in need of getting a point across - or to bridge a gap between a sender and a recipient. However, there might be multiple groups of people you can choose to communicate to. How do you navigate, and how do you achieve this without sinking into the river?
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How can you move your work from an uphill struggle to a strategic position that works with you and not against you? How do you build a momentum where the circumstances work in your favour?
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The Snow Ball effect
Ripe fruit
I remember the struggle for the largest oranges in my childhood years. We kids always tried to get the largest ones for ourselves. The bigger oranges, with the strongest colors, the better it was. Or so we thought. Untill we discovered that those who chose the smaller fruit often got a better fruit. It was sweeter, firmer and less filled with water and air. Appearances can be deceptive!
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Yesterday, I measured the height of my eleven year old daughter, and she has soon out-grown her mother. Today, I forced myself on to the bathroom scale. To draw the comparison: not all growth is healthy.
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Healthy growth
The Renewal
In my 37 years I have had a handful of heart transplants. My daughters have maybe had a couple. I am grateful for that.
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When is change needed? Who is responsible? Before you start executing on a change process, you need to go through these five steps.
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Big Change Ahead
Great leaders sow into others
All great leaders achieve great results by sowing into others all the time.
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Jeg husker kampen om de største appelsinene i mine barndoms år. Vi barna ville alltid karre til oss de største. Jo større, og jo penere i fargen, jo bedre. Tenkte vi. Helt til vi oppdaget at de som valgte den mindre frukten etter oss ofte fikk en bedre frukt. Den var søtere, fastere og ikke så full av vann og luft. Skinnet kan bedra!
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Moden frukt
I en alder av 37 år har jeg hatt noen håndfuller med hjertetransplantasjoner. Døtrene mine har kanskje hatt et par. Det er jeg glad for.
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I går målte jeg 11-åringen i huset, og hun har snart vokst forbi sin mor. I dag tvang jeg meg selv på badevekta. For å sammenligne: Ikke all vekst er sunn vekst.
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Sunn vekst
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