Break my heart for what breaks Yours

The ultimate worship of our Lord is caring for His children. We, the church, are called to be His hands and feet on earth - to perform acts of compassion and to provide hope for everyone.

As I write this, my country of Norway are rounding off the national annual TV fundraising day where all the people of the nation pull together for a common cause. Normally, close to 50 million USD are raised. Not too bad in a single day.

It´s so easy to loose hope. It´s so easy to be consumed with despair. It is so easy to let our circumstances define us. It´s so easy for our perception to become our reality.

I am not proposing that we should live blindfolded or that we should be in denial about suffering and pain. On the contrary, I suggest that we should meet our very real circumstances with the defining reality of Jesus Christ. That we should meet the darkness with a bright light. That we should let our hearts be broken so that we can serve through our state of brokenness. And no matter how dark a place might be, it will always be conquered by the light - if we choose to bring it. And no matter how big a problem might be, my God is bigger - if I choose to believe Him.

As Christians we are on a royal assignment from the King of Kings - to spread His Kingdom to the ends of the earth. This includes setting captives free and to feed the starving. To bring justice and peace. This power and strength must come from a state of brokenness so that we can step aside and let Him talk and act through us.

I love the song from Hillsong called "Hosanna". I will end with a quote from the lyrics of the song, and I would encourage you to listen to the song through the video at the bottom here.

"Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity"

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