'Rough Enough' - A System Supporting the Rough Sets Approach

The rough sets theory has proved useful for a wide variety of data mining tasks. A system, called 'Rough Enough', has been developed to support the basic operations of the theory. The system emphasizes modifiability and experimentalism. Genetic algorithms have been used for the NP-hard rough sets procedure of data reduction - obtaining the set of reducts. The system has been successfully tested with real world data.

Keywords: Rough sets, genetic algorithms, software architecture
Category: Research Announcement / Poster
Status: Accepted at the Sixth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence SCAI'97
Published: 1997, this article was a two-page abstract in the conference proceedings, and a full 12-page article in the research announcement report (both covers shown below). Abstract in proceedings by IOS Press, pp. 290-291. Full length paper in University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Series of Publications C, Report C-1997-49, pp. 99-110. Editor of both: G. Grahne.

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